
By JackTheLad


Took a wee trip up to The Nation Museum of Scotland to see the special Robotics Exhibition.
It was really interesting even though I had seen most of the robots on the telly at some time but to see (and to interact with) them is quite a bit different. On the way in to the exhibition there was an introduction through historical automata and the most visually striking model was the above a replica of Maschinenmensch ("Machine-Man") from Friz Lang's Metropolis. The colours switched through Green, Yellow, Purple and Red.

The second image is a more modern robot from 2016.
I spent a good 90 mins in there and had to be disciplined to leave the museum straight away but I am of the  opinion that it's easy to go into a musuem but impossible to leave. Expect images from the NMS in the future.

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