I'm Poorly.......

Today i went into work not feeling great, aching all over and broke into swear. Si came home and went to bed. I woke up after about 4hrs asleep saturated.

I just wish i could get this cold tingling feeling out of my body, especially my keg.

Off to London tomorrow for an appointment and then home to work.

Bless Roxy all she wants to do is pay with ball. He she is bringing the ball to me. Although have to say makes a good 3rd hot water bottle.

I m sorry not commented on your blips much, but not hd a lot of time. Struggling to even blip.

Boy just jumped out my skin, 2 gun shots gone off very near by. Lets hope that is nite more sadness for a family. There are some sad events taking place.

Keep safe everyone.

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