The Princess and the Dog

By Princessnthedog

All About Me

Dear O'H dear and Lovely Tea Jenny,

It’s Mother’s Day. The Prince got up with Murphy while I stayed in bed reading/. My bro had booked Dalhousie castle for afternoon tea at midday so we had LOADS of time. Until I realised that the chuffing clocks had changed which added a bit of unwanted urgency.

We were only 5 minutes late but it didn’t matter. My bro received a very irate call from Mary Doll demanding to know where we were. Because they had gone to MELVILLE Castle and were quite put out that none of us were there!

Thankfully, it was only 15 mins away and we had a lovely lunch with lots of tiny food which always seems oddly exciting. Mary Doll was amusingly horrified at the crazy suggestion of both clotted cream AND jam on her scone. She made this clear with a facial expression which would have been a more appropriate response to the offer of a jobby sandwich. My bro and I were VERY mature about it and didn’t keep offering her the clotted cream all the way through lunch. With everything she put on her plate. And for her coffee. Because we are grown ups.

My Mother’s Day afternoon spent was watching the rest of the new series of Santa Clarita Diet*. On my bum. On the sofa. Proper binge watching. Doing nothing.

The Youngest Mini Princess made pizzas for dinner and I happily sat being waited on and then we watched The Office. I think Mother’s Day should be more often. Weekly sounds about right!


*We loved it. Made me laugh out loud.

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