Red Squirrel


Nature's Palette


I blipped some Blewitts in County Hall grounds on November 5th. At lunchtime today I took a walk to the tree under which they'd grown. There were 2 there still and how the colours of the caps have changed in 6 weeks! I just love the mauve, pink and orange/brown combination they're showing now.

Thankfully today most of that wretched virus seems to have retreated, leaving me with an occasionally blocked nose, and a sneeze here and there. Apart from that I feel human again :)
Unfortunately after all the sleeping I've done over the weekend because of the bug, when I went to bed last night I couldn't get to sleep - despite getting up for a drink of hot milk, it was still gone 4 before I dozed off and so I only had about 3 hours sleep :(
Fortunately the lack of sleep didn't make me feel too tired, so I was fine for my interview. My boss's manager who was supposed to be one of the 2 people interviewing me was off sick today with the same thing I've had - so I ended up with my boss as one of them, and his boss's boss the other as originally intended Afterwards my boss returned to his desk about 10 minutes after I got back to mine - he gave me a big smile and a thumbs up, and said I'd come across really well. We did agree though that of the other candidates (7 were interviewed for 2 posts), a couple of them were tough 'opposition'. The intention is to let us know the outcome before the end of this week, so hopefully I'll know whether or not I was successful before Christmas. It'd be nice to know one way or the other before I finish work on Friday, as I'll then be off until January 2nd. Fingers crossed ....

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