Picture Book
Managed to get over to the boat and get started on the coolant plumbing work. What a job. As if electrics and diesel weren’t enough.
But then I had to wash and sprint up town to see my pal Eric. You’re looking well, he says through gritted teeth. I decide not to tell him too much about the Aussie trip as it would cheese him off overmuch. Instead I tell him what fun I’m having getting my yacht ready for the season. That seem to give him
some urgency and before long the paperwork is signed and I’m ushered out. That’s the approach when the meter’s running.
So instead of heading homeward I went off to sit in a cafe and read. The SK never quite understands what a joy that can be. And there I read a great interview with Melvyn Bragg - what a wise person he is. He’s a loyalist - he’ll never leave the Labour Party. Corbyn should be the one to leave. And he gets religion, totally, as an atheist.
A film later at the Vue - Us. Got to report I found it a real disappointment after an excellent opening thirty minutes. Too many overlong scenes and a dragged out idea which actually got a bit boring. Nice twist near the end but not enough for this critic, oh no. Oh yes.
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