A Different Angle

My free day ... but I MOOCked and did housework.  AW worked on the garden but the weather wasn't that good most of the day till later in the afternoon.

This was shot from inside the house.  As the days lengthen, the sun is setting more and more northwest-ish.

At the moment, there is not much going on.  Block 4 is winding down, one more week to go before exams, and I'm pretty much up to date with my work, except for a bunch of re-sat reports.  On the one hand, I'm pretty excited about the coming trip, which was really unexpected.  I mean, who plans a holiday in-between blocks?  On the other hand, I am so distracted and there's a little cloud in my head that I need to sort out.  I think I know what it is but I need to clarify the details for myself.  No, I don't have a problem or a crisis and I'm not in trouble, but I need to think about it a bit.

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