
My neighbour is a dog walker and often posts her adventures on FB so the dog owners can see their fur babies having fun.  She  recently posted a lovely looking walk so I asked where it was but was only given very brief details so thought my new and expensive OS map might help me.

I did find it but it looked like Private Land so I drove round a bit until I found a Public Footpath sign and off we went.  

I was doing really well following my little dotted green line until Bella and I found a herd of enormous brown cows in the way and the closer we got, the more interested they looked. Bella then started barking at them so we turned round and went back.  Just as well we did as the heavens opened and it suddenly felt like Winter again.

After work my lovely friend Jane popped round for a catch up and a microwave meal.  It turns out she knows the groomer I have booked for Bellas first visit in a few weeks and described her as a dog whisperer so I'm happy about that.

Bella has been suffering from a bit of a runny tummy after she was  poorly last week so after a bit of Google help I made her up some rice, peas, carrot, chicken and egg to help make her a bit more 'solid' and she stuffed it down. Fingers crossed for the morning!!! She's a bit of a picky eater so having a full tummy was probably a new experience for her!!!!

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