
By raul

Mt. Baldy in Winter

Today my friend Aaron and I did some winter hiking, a new experience for both of us.

Each of us bought ice axes recently, which motivated this short trip to practice some mountaineering skills like crampons and self-arrest.

Decked out in full winter garb, we set out in the morning sun to find no snow on the mountain. In the afternoon it heated up and our winter jackets and snow pants began to cook us alive as we trudged up the steep grade.

This hike is a south facing ridge walk, but on northern aspects there was enough snow to practice self-arresting and other skills before the sun went down.

I think it is ridiculous that there were summer conditions in February. Being the first hike of the season, I am thoroughly exhausted. Perhaps, with our ice axes, we can finally conquer Mt. Rae this summer.

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