Yesterday we looked at the weathr forecast for the next couple of days and decided to take this afternoon off and go for a walk, and a good decision it was.
We headed up toward Glen Clova but stopped at Cortachy for a walk along the river (see extra taken against the light), by fields and a beautifully situated cemetery to the Airlie Monument. we lost the path in the last part as a lot of trees had fallen over it (and a bit of crawliong required at one point) but we knew if we kept going up we'd get there.
The views were worth it with fresh snow on the high hills and warm sun but cold breeze. Lots of birds singing and ladybirds and peacock butterflies - they weren't singing that I could hear.
The way down was straightforward and we passed the Scott. Wilson Memorial. The Antarctic expedition was largely planned in a house just down the road which we were shown round once as people we knew lived there. Sadly the wife died (and is buried in the cemetery we passed) and her husband moved away.
We were supposed to be babysitting this evening but plans were changed though we still paid a brief visit to lend some more trains (and paly with them!).
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