Sunny Kilmuir

A sunny day which made up for the last couple of dreich days. Still lots of water in the fields and flowing in the Burns.
No Puffin Pool today as they could not get the Pool temperature hot enough. They are fund raising for a new heating system that will cost £60,000. They have raised £35,000 so far so over half way there .
Instead Anne and myself went to Munroes Garden Centre for a cup of tea and I had a very nice cheese scone and Anne had a bacon roll.A nice wander through the Garden Centre after.I bought a purple Parsque flower which took my fancy :)
In the afternnon Mike had a letter to post in Munlochy so I went along to and as the sun was shining we carried on down to Kilmuir and had a lovely walk along the front. It's always very pretty especially in the Spring with the Blossom and daffodils out.

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