You Couldn’t Make It Up

A friend told me; “In retirement you have to make every day count”, today was one of those days where I felt that I never had a second to spare!

Up early, showered, dressed and out of the house, (no coffee), to catch the college bus to the Treliske lay by. I was in the Eye Clinic fifteen minutes early. The pre injection treatment didn’t seem as thorough as previous visits and I felt the effect of that later. The injection was a little more painful than usual but I was done and saying hello to Clare in the Dialysis Unit before heading off to catch the train home.

I arrived in time for a coffee before changing and then heading off but as I walked towards my car - a flat soft tyre. I drove to the garage and pumped it up, it seemed ok so out to Flushing, fifteen minute drive, to collect Kay, checked the tyre, still ‘hard’.
We then set off to Camborne Crematorium, my eye hurt from the injection and was watering like mad and although I haven’t a cold my nose was running, just what I needed as the road noise told me the tyre was again flat.
Flat tyre, raining, road dirt, but the wheel was changed in under ten minutes and we made it to Valerie’s service with minutes to spare. A moving service and really good to hear of Valerie’s life.
Then onto the wake, I have no idea what Valerie’s family thought of the large bloke, clearly upset, crying, nose running with filthy hands and rain plastered hair but I didn’t think explaining eyeball injection, flat tyre etc would be believable so I just nodded and smiled.

I dropped Kay back to Flushing and then home to relax for the first time in over ten hours. Chatted to the children, ate, read my book all before shouting at a gradually worsening series of Question Time on TV (bring back Dimbleby)

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