A Duck is a Duck and no Crane
I spotted this duck in the future Kranichwoog (crane pond). It was swimming in pond no. 1. There will be 3 ponds when the project is finished, hopefully by the end of the year.
There was a story in Friday's newspaper about the Kranichwoog and it titled "The crane pond without cranes" and it was so true. There will be no cranes in our crane pond. Cranes don't breed here and very rarely cross the Bruch when they travel. So why name a project like this "Kranichwoog" (crane pond)?
We have all sorts of birds, storks, we have herons. Grey and silver herons. Heron pond would be much more fitting. But - heron translates "Reiher" in German. It would be a "Reiherwoog" then.
And the newly re-opened pharmacy in town would have the name "Reiherapotheke" instead of "Kranichapotheke" (crane pharmacy).
And now here's the problem. You need to speak German to know if you make "Reiher" a verb - reihern - it is not a nice word. Translates - to say it nice - to vomiting. Not the best choice of name if you own an pharmacy...
And to name it Entenwoog (duck pond) would just be too boring.
I'm afraid I put too much thought in the name thing since I read the newspaper story. But it was true and a duck is a duck and no crane.
20:00: 13°C
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