Habits ...Sleeps in his many beds
and occasionally on the sofa in the sun room.
Not allowed on any other furniture
Allowed upstairs
Dislikes the postman
Loves playing with his orange ball and cuddly bears
Likes to swim
Not streetwise
Yogi is one very lucky dog :) I found this motley crew in the outhouse/laundry room. Easters & Xmas's of years gone by and someone's 18th birthday cuddly bear. Soon be Easter again no wonder the chicken is looking concerned. He caught a live, but sadly injured baby rabbit this morning when we were out exploring.
The sky to the west is the most amazing colour, & if I could be bothered I should have jumped in the car and raced off to a good spot to capture the sunset but I've done all the exercise I want to do today. Yogi and I had a beautiful 31/2hr walk, came back had lunch and then gardened. Made a saucepan full of cauli soup so that's my meals sorted for the next couple of days :)
Hopefully the weather will be kind again tomorrow and we can explore in the opposite direction towards the coast. The wind chill factor will determine my decision.
I'm off to watch The Voice. I want to see how the girl from Cornwall gets on. It's the final tonight.
Thank you to admirer for hosting :)
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