Quod oculus meus videt

By GrahamColling

The Hunt

Had the pleasure of getting out of the office today, a very rare opportunity these days.

I have a wonderful lady who works for me who has been suffering with a very debilitating eye problem. She hasn't been able to work for three months, but she came in to discuss the options for returning to work and after the meeting she was happy to accompany me on visits to carry out sampling of some private water supplies. The properties using these supplies are normally far out into the countryside and as we were driving out to one of the farms I noticed a group of horse boxes and then a flash of red (scarlet). As we approached we saw this pack coming towards me.

Frustration that I couldn't get out of the car and raise the camera in time to capture them head on. Greater frustration that the settings resulted in a slow shutter speed and motion blur, but given the rarity of the scene (only the third time I have seen this sight in almost 30 years working in rural authorities), I felt it was worthy of blipping.

I don't have any strong held view on the subject of hunting; I know many will, it is just the novelty of the scene that prompted this journal entry.

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