Sparkle In The Rain

My Dear Fellows & Dear Princess,

Did you get today's album title? That's a million points to you if so. I remember buying this album from Boots for a fiver back in the day and feeling SOOOOOO cool that I had it.

It has been a good weekend to hole up, sit under a duvet and hang out with cats. The skies have been black for three days now and the rain has been unending. Falling on my head like a memory. Falling on my head like a new e-moh-shun.

It's never far from the 1980's in my head. You know that.

Caro returned from glamping in good spirits. To be completely frank, it sounds like she could have done without the trip, but on the other hand it didn't sound too painful either. She managed to avoid getting completely mangled as well, which is always a plus.

As for me, I have spent today looking over old emails and feeling a bit sad. I miss being able to email you during the day and get that immediate (well, nearly) reply. I know we didn't talk about much. But it was nice to get non-work-related nonsense during the stupid, stupid work day.

And, in short, I miss you.


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