Ok call me silly but having left the school I was invited back by the Friday teacher to join the children at the community gardens. They did...
# nest making and
# gardening jobs....litter picking, mulching the new trees and planting trees. We also had a picnic. It was nice to be with the pupils away from management and without the responsibility.

Mix a little foolishness with your serious plans. It is lovely to be silly at the right moment. Horace (a Roman Poet!!)
This was the right moment to be silly and then onto serious plans....
#I got the job to be an exam invigilator. It’s only a few hours a day through May/June and the pay isn’t brilliant but I’m sure it’s going to be easier.
As I left the secondary school I was hit by coughs, sneezes and a horrid sore throat....
I’m sure it’s al the stress catching up with lemons and an early night.

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