
By Appreciate

The man himself!

A visitor summoned annually to Jingle Bells. The wee faces flushed with anticipated excitement and the astonishment that he made a rather radical change this year.

Instead of everyone receiving something, each class got a box of!! What a great Santa this was!

The kids were so excited and were ready to abandon the party in favour of the new lego!!

I am overwhelmed at their innocence and how they enjoy simple pleasures every year. A scottish reel first, some games, a bit of disco (gangnam style!!), games, Santa, shared snack made by all the pupils over the last few days - all eating together, games and then a final reel. Fab.

I know our Santa loves his job and takes it very seriously - but I wonder if he really realises how VERY important his visit is and what an impact he has on their dreams.

A great day!

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