A private audience with Mr Robin.

Went to the gym earlier than usual, as J wanted to take the Triumph out for it's first outing of the year. On the way, Des phoned to say he wasn't going as he is still feeling crock, so it was another quiet day in the gym. I did the usual walk through the fields on my way home, and took a detour through the woods when all of a sudden I could hear this little  robin signing to sweetly. I spotted him on a bush quite a distance away, and I didn't want to spook him so I edged closer until I was standing right in front of him. I am sure he was singing just for me,  although it could be because I had a green coat on and he thought I was a tree:-) Anyway, it was delightful, and I took loads of shots before he flew away. See my extra photo of him. 
I would like to thank all of you who gave me stars & hearts for my special blip day yesterday, and put me page one of the popular pages.

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