April Shower

From the front yard this time.  Yes, both backyard and front yard this year, but the ones in front suffer from too little sun.

Went to work, worked, went back home.  A fairly easy day but I need to make sure there's very little backlog.  Finished the MOOC, so that is done.  There's another coming up but I can take my time with that.  Purchased 1-year unlimited access from the platform and oh but I am not going to let that go to waste.  It does mean, however, that I get more slack, time-wise.

Later today, though, I was quite (understatement) upset that AW had entered one of the spare rooms upstairs and rearranged stuff that I had actually neatly put away.  I asked him if the stuff was in the way of anything or if he was particularly bothered by the fact that the stuff was there at all.  No, it had all to do with the dust because he uses the room for meditation and he has COPD.  This despite the fact that I do clean the room regularly for my own use.  I ended up moving my entire 'office' upstairs, and all by myself, too.  Yes, when the ellaphant is out of balance, her trunk can be quite strong and her ears buzz and she sees quite a bit of red, so it sounded very much like a stampede up and down the stairs ... but the job got done.  It was never the intention to work upstairs as that would potentially mean hardly seeing each other.  On the other hand, he can now turn up the volume of the television and computer downstairs without annoying anyone.  We had an unusually quiet evening as a result.

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