Royal Military Academy, Breda

Went to work, worked, went back home.

Discovered before leaving for work that my external drive could not open many files, including all my photographs, which meant some 20 years of shots, plus all my MOOC notes.  A rather disgruntled Ellaphant headed to work, where, thankfully, all my classes unfolded as planned and I got a bulk of work done.  Before returning home, bought a new external drive with double the capacity, so 5Ts.  When I opened the laptop and accessed the external drive ... voila!  Suddenly, all the files were accessible again!  Transferred half the files now to the new one.  What's fab about the new one is that it doesn't need to be plugged into an outlet.  It has a USB plug and can be brought along anywhere ... really great!

As for AW and I, yesterday is history and we were okay again.  Went out for a Chinese take away which we promptly polished off.  After dinner began the long evening, and night, of making final corrections and inputting marks for the Block 2 re-sits.  Finished at 02.00 (AW had long gone to bed), and then, because I was already busy anyway, continued to finish odds and ends in connection with work.  Updated my files, replied to some mail, and so on, and turned in at 03.45.  All that time, I enjoyed multiple cups of tea.  Apparently, the peace and quiet I get from working upstairs is delivering some desired results.

This is the Royal Military Academy in Breda.  Shot this on my way to picking up the Chinese take-away.

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