
Yes, it was grand that the whole family of AW's son finally visited!  They spent a couple of hours in the afternoon, and the grandkids had so much energy ... *sigh* ... but had so much fun.  We haven't had anything like this for such a long time.  She's really the 'big sis' and behaves more like a boy than a girl, which is just fab.  She loves travelling adventures and she's not afraid of anything.  He's content to let her do all the active work.  There's an extra of him.

In-between all that, I transferred more files to the new external drive and managed some housekeeping.  After they left, I continued with my marking and was finished with it before dinner.  You cannot imagine the relief!  I am totally updated with my work, no pending issues ... so I am free to enjoy the weekend and beyond.

Tomorrow, I'll be travelling to meet an old friend I haven't seen in years.

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