Robert Ostrochovsky

By youoregon1

Bells in Britelo

Mono Monday. Making A Noise. Tryfan.

We drove north from Braga and after about an hour turned off from the forested hillsides to a side road that said cemetery. I wanted to blip that cemetery.
Up on the hillside was a village and a beautiful church, completely unseen from the road. And bells! Perfect for Tryfan's Mono Monday. We arrived for the 11 a.m. toll. And this was not 'way up there' as most bell towers, but more like 'right there'.  And the bell backs have been included.

Never did find the cemetery. A reason to revisit the hills of northern Portugal. 
Since we were this far north, we visited Spain for the first time, had lunch
and made it back by mid-afternoon.
We love Portugal #16. 

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