My Mini Adventure

By JJ46

Oh rats!

I ended up at the urgent care centre at 7am this morning feeling soooo rough. I have a nasty dose of tonsillitis (had rather hoped I’d got away without it this year, but no). The duty GP said my tonsils have green spots on them so it was good that I had gone down there and not hung on to try to see my own GP at some point tomorrow when N is out all day. She gave me a week of penicillin.

N took L out again this morning to give me some peace and they went to Hall Place to feed the geese and have a run about in the trees. These are a couple of rats that hang about under one of the bird feeders there.

Apparently L wouldn’t leave the farmers’ market without buying me a present - which I’ll have to blip another day. Little sweetie.

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