Rocky Mountain Moments

By pipersmom

My Little Buddy

I felt well enough to pick up my camera and take a picture out the front window today, and this little girl was happy to pose.  She's a regular in the front yard.  She is recognizable because she has a scar or some kind of mark across her nose.  I guess I should really give her a name....  She was rewarded for posing, in case you were wondering.

After I got over my Nyquil hangover this morning I realized that I was feeling better.  I skipped the hot tub because I thought it might make me feel too weak but a hot shower felt great.  I'm still coughing and congested but my headache and muscle aches are gone.  Pipersdad is much better today so that bodes well for me too.  I'm glad because we have appointments Wednesday, Thursday and Friday that I didn't want to change!

I am grateful that I was able to be up all day and actually get a few things done at my desk.  Thank you to everyone for your well wishes.  They seemed to have worked!! :-)

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