A while ago I entered a competition run by Copella juice. I must have won as today my prize arrived. Its a lovely big Emma Bridgewater mug decorated with apples. I will give it to my daughter when she comes to visit at the end of the month as she is a big tea drinker... and I'm not.

Decided to stay indoors today as I'm still not feeling right. Have written a few letters to put in with Christmas cards which I will post tomorrow. Have to send them first class as I've missed the 2nd class last posting date.

Neil got a phone call last evening from the Dental Hospital in Newcastle asking him to come in this morning to have a tooth taken out. You can get free dental treatment there from a dental student after a consultation to see if you are suitable. His appointment was 9am. He came back here afterwards and after the injection wore of he was in quite a bit of pain. He had to go off to work later - doesn't finish till 9.30pm. He will be starving hungry when he comes in as he wasn't allowed to eat anything earlier. He has more appointments planned as he needs a few fillings. Its a shame he has neglected his teeth as when he and Becky were little I used to take them regularly for check ups and their teeth were fine. Reminds me of this PAM AYRES POEM

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