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On the ferry LOTI useless tub but at least she's sailing. The Isle of Lewis is stuck in Barra with a rope round it's prop. Should hit land the back of nine and home by ten. A quick trip to do last minute stuff to get the place ready for the summer. I'm listening to a Barra woman who hotfooted it to mallaig to get the ferry to Uist then the eriskay ferry to Barra first thing. She's telling her pal on the phone how her friend in London had her house broken into. They kept saying she's was Indian as she was dark skinned . She kept saying she was from Barra but the burglars weren't for believing her. She then said she was grateful they didn't see the bloody cat as they stole his Pedigree papars from her safe! Seriously you couldn't make this up. I'm in tears laughing as she's telling it in ganglish half gaelic half English. They then went to Liddell's and stocked up on food but when they discovered there was no ferry they had to pay 45 quid for a cool box. This is going to be a fun journey.

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