St. Raphael, Cote d'Azur

Lovely day!  Woke up late and walked to one of the boulangeries in the neighbourhood for a good breakfast, then down to the port.  It's still fairly early in the season, so not that many tourists yet, but it's clearly the type of place to fill in the summer -- shops, a large harbour with ample space for luxury yachts, apartments, restaurants, some casinos.  There was a ferris wheel and I had to take advantage of it, of course.  Some extras.  The main shot is of the sea with the town of St. Maxim (?) in the distance.

The Countess picked us up at the city centre later, and we had lunch at one of the seaside restaurants, then we drove to F. Scott Fitzgerald's house at Valescure.  It's now owned by other people (and not by some foundation that takes care of famous people's houses as I had originally thought) so we couldn't go in, but never mind.  See third extra.  Then back to the apartment for a long rest, then she picked us up again for a nightcap in town.

She has neuromuscular dystrophy and it's noticeable in her movements.  She can't walk fast, she can't climb steps without aid (but she does not need crutches), she can't lift anything heavier than 2 kg.  However, she can still drive and she is very, very careful behind the wheel.  Naturally, she's allowed to park on the spots for invalids.  Aside from that, though, she's still my old friend and the affection we had before has bloomed again.  We call it our second spring.  We've gone through so many winters to get to this spring and we've changed tremendously, but the old us is still there.

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