On the High Wire
While waiting for the family to arrive from the Padre's flat for their breakfast, spent a while delighting in these three baby swallows, swinging in the wind on our clothesline. An anxious parent repeatedly swooped over them and across the valley and into our second room, and out again.
Extra of them having their porridge and admiring Zion's radio controlled off-roader. After writing their diaries, we got mine out, and much fun was had, especially as either control worked for both cars. As in, on my own, making lunch, a car would suddenly zoom over and hit my foot because someone outside was working the other control.
Love Over Gold
- this precious family
- taking the kids up to pick oranges at the neighbour's, then coming home and making juice for lunch
- walking to keep fit with Deb, coming over the ramparts and seeing the sun sparkling on the Lake
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