pick me...


'cuz - aren't i the cutest - smartest - most adorable little thing you've ever set eyes on?

he just wouldn't leave me alone... as soon as i got to the park, he spied me - then proceeded to follow me... up and down the trails - around the ducks and geese - as i tried to get some shots of a crow hunting in a tree... he was relentless - prancing around my feet - doing a dance back and forth with me as i finally paid him some attention...

no one can say wild squirrels aren't persistent - or tenacious in their actions - it seemed as though this one didn't give a bit of care i had no food or treat for him - he understood instead the value of my black box - the importance of getting his 15 minutes of fame... being recognized the world over - how much more weight that held for him - he was not to be denied - nope i wouldn't be the one to do it either - and so it made for...


happy day.....

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