Holguin City.

We rented a taxi, for a trip into Holguin City.    For the equivalent of $100 we had this lovely young guy drive us around the city a bit, up to the top of The Hill of the Cross, which gives an incredible view of the whole city, and then back down to the centre of town where he let us just wander about for a few hours.   Seems to be the way they do it, usually there is a cluster of taxi drives, parked in the big square, chatting and visiting, while we, the tourists, have a wander!  kinda nice way to see a bit of the real Cuba.  

It was good to get out of the resort for a bit .... and we often stay over in a Casa when we visit a city close by, but we decided it just wasn't worth it, for which i was eternally grateful to Terry for this decision, i usually find it a bit too much staying in the city!!!   so we enjoyed a walk about, had lunch up on a roof top place and a beer at one of the side walk cafes.  We stopped in at a very interesting museum, that's the interior of the building in the extras.  Most of the Cuban women walk about with umbrellas up, very smart cos it was extremely sunny and hot!

back to the resort in time for dinner!

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