Handfast - Two is a happy number!

Two years of blipping with no gaps, that's been a lot of fun!

On my first blipday I was sad. Dave had been admitted to hospital the day before with what turned out to be a pulmonary embolism - an 8 inch clot that had travelled from his leg to his lungs. One was the loneliest number.

He was able to come home just before Xmas which was great for us all. In the intervening year he has worked hard on his fitness. My lovely man!

I take lots of photos of my family; my cat ; and flowers.

I also am in a position to be documenting the Christchurch recovery and to see my city re-emerging though the lens of local blippers.

Here's a few favs from this year.
NZ Robin
Rebel sheep
Portrait of Kariba

Thanks to Blip.
A special thanks to hpx who got me started.
Hi to my darling blipping daughter.
Thanks to my mum who is a blip-lurker but comments every day without fail
To my wonderful blip-pals - you all make my day, everyday!

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