
By skillyjeff

I have tottered across the 200 blip mark. I will totter on. Thank you to all those people who check in on my blips, and thank you to all the inspiring people that I check. I rarely comment but I enjoy your blips every day.

I have decided to include something a bit different in my blips for a few weeks. I have a motley collection of old film cameras that I am going to put back to use. It will be a big shock to some of these cameras because they haven't done any work for decades, but I think most are still ok. The only cameras that have been used recently are my favourites, a Leica M6, a Canon EF and a Mamiya 7II. My biggest problem will be getting good quality scans and also perhaps convincing blip HQ that I took the image on the same day I posted it. First camera off the mark will be the Mamiya C33 twin lens reflex in the centre of this image. It is a heavy beast that can only be used slowly (by me anyway). I bought it second hand in the 1980s and it has had an easy life in the cupboard for most of the years between then and now. Hopefully I will post an image from it tomorrow.

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