Little Miss
This little female Hooded Merganser was hanging around with the Mallards last Fall and here she is again with them this Spring. I can only guess that it is the same one as how many Mergansers do you know who make a habit of living with Mallards? She is very tiny. A mystery to me but this morning I was delighted to see her with the Mallards as they were grouped along the shore, bathing and basically doing what Mallards do first thing in the morning. Usually Mergansers are frustratingly shy, so I was thrilled to see her more curious than wary of me. With that early morning sun, had to be my blip!
I spent a good half hour with the deer as well. I could have blipped any of them as they were all very friendly and photogenic. Saw a few new does or perhaps old does getting their Spring coats so looking a little different? Interesting, all the same. In extras, I have added a close up of one of the bucks to show how their velvet is coming in. The cycle of the antlers intrigues me. I could explain it to you....but that would be like a book so.....if you are curious, google is your friend ; ) I am so fortunate to have a friend who is so knowledgeable and willing to teach me!
I am off to a special area in Toronto tomorrow. It is a man-made spit out into Lake Ontario. It is also a birder's delight and there have been 10 different owl species recorded in the park. If I see one I will be more than happy : ))
Have a great weekend ahead!! Smile and enjoy : )
D x
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