
By Odofuran


It's the most wonderful time of year again. Christmas! And while I'm in Japan, a decidedly non-Christian country, they still go all in on the decorations, music, presents, etc. This lady works at the grocery store right by my house, and she's not the only person I've seen in a costume like this around here. I drove by a gas station a couple days ago with a girl in a reindeer outfit and a guy in a Santa outfit. I don't know if they're made to wear these by their managers or what (not everyone was wearing costumes. Some just had Santa hats. The lady who worked the register I was at was in a Santa costume), but I like to be optimistic and hope that they share the Christmas love I do.

On a side note, I love taking photos of people in every day life. However, there's always that awkward moment when they look over and spot you. It's a great picture, but it's usually the sign to put the camera down and walk away, creeper.

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