The Princess and the Dog

By Princessnthedog

Blowing Up The Internet

Dear O'H dear and Lovely Tea Jenny,

Mary Doll is an INTERNET SENSATION. She has just mastered riding a bike at her All-ability Bike Club and as she is the oldest person they have taught, they asked if they could post a video of her on their website.

“SEVEN THOUSAND VIEWS*,” she excitedly told me, “It’s on Facebook AND Twitter.” Edinburgh Live have even phoned her for an interview.

I am concerned that fame will go to her head!

The Explorer, Songbird, Alicia & Eliza came round for dinner tonight. It was a good night - back with my people. Eliza mentioned you Jenny and said that she thinks you’re lovely. She said she barely knows you and thinks you should live in Edinburgh.

I’m going to start a campaign!


*Victor suggested that she had spent two days on the internet to get the number that high!

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