Vaguely Marvellous

By Benelia


Well. My brother and family came over in the morning so we could go for a trip to Golder's Hill Park for pistachio ice-cream: Martin's favourite. We got hailed on and didn't really fancy ice-cream but it eventually cleared into a lovely afternoon.

In the Hill Garden, we were suddenly surrounded by puffa-jacketed men (and a few women) with cameras, and a few half-naked women: a local camera club, we found out, who'd hired some models and were practising their photography. I could see they were having a great time, and were going to get some beautiful photos but I honestly found it a bit creepy. Everyday sexism, I suppose. I'll add some extras.

In other news: 2500 photos! That's a lot. I have been a bit slack recently, but I think I am back in the blip a day saddle. Hooray for blip and all you lovely lot.

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