Oh yes, she’s back.....

......the Minwin is back!

A couple of weeks ago the Minwin’s clutch went and we had to be rescued by the AA. I was very sad :(. This was a Thursday night. I was even sadder when I got home from work on the Friday to find that she was in lots of pieces in the garage!

The Dadski had decided to fix her for me (aaaaagggggghhhhh!) and I must admit to being a little sceptical of his abilities for the job. In fact, it could be true to say that divorce was looming on the horizon :/

However, The Dadski has not failed us and the Minwin is up and running around again!! Whoop whoop!

All is well in our little world again!

Had a lovely day relaxing, helping The Dopski make a dolly house and playing with Peanut the Hamster :)))
(And driving my mini lots obvs!)

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