I didn’t want to leave skye without going to see the old man of storr so me and beefy left the girls in their beds and went up in the morning. it took a bit longer than I expected but again, what a stunning part of the landscape. it was absolutely hoaching with tourists, there were drones flying about and someone playing ‘aint no mountain high enough’ at the top...but it was ace anyway. that old man looks like he could keel over at any minute. we scooped up the girls and headed to skye bakery then to dunvegan but ended up just going back to portree as it wasn’t that great and the kids were tired and hungry. we got a chippy and headed back to our jammies and a game of rummie beside the fire pit. we’ve had ace weather all week, but it’s bitter when the sun goes down. we couried in and watched bohemian rhapsody.

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