Some snow left

Backblip Friday.
I went to the Puffin Pool with Anne but she could not take me home as she was picking up her Grandsons so Mike picked me up from Ferry Point.I had a nice walk round although the tide was out.One heron was looking for his dinner under the bridge.I did not see him catch anything.
We then had breakfast in the garden centre.The sun was out so we took the high road down to Strathpeffer. We stopped at the Neil Gunn monument and were going to walk around the very small loch but it was too boggy.We got talking to a couple who were up here for a few days from Aberdeen.They were enjoying the scenery and sunny weather.
A quick walk at Loch Kinellan where we saw the nesting swans, little grebe ,tufted duck,moorhens,coots,wigeon and a pair of slavonian grebe.
Home to do a few jobs and then the car needed a wash ( seagulls seem to like black cars that park at the airport).On the way a fox and a pine marten crossed the road in front of us, not together but not that far apart.We have not really seen that many foxes on the Black Isle so it was a nice surprise.

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