I used to be a caravan
but that was before I became a climbing frame.
Nipped up to fetch the newspaper this morning, glanced across to the town hall, many of the lights were on inside, an extra police vehicle outside. Interesting!. Bought my paper etc, then the shop assistant asked if I knew the Vietnamese immigrants were being held in the town hall. Well, hubby did come home last evening and mention it to me but he quite often get's the info mixed up, and to be honest with you I could'nt imagine them taking the people, believed to be part of a human trafficking arrest to Chudleigh, but the police station is based in the town hall so I guess it was'nt so crazy, & he was correct. When I came out of the shop I looked across to the building and there was a Vietnamese girl of about 20 years of age looking out the window. 30 foreign nationals, men, women, & children, believed to be Vietnamese are staying in the building. 4 men arrested at the scene on Friday have all been charged today with human trafficking. What is the world coming to??? What will happen to these illegal immigrants now?
Been a very chilly day here so pleased I did'nt plan to be on the allotment. Mum came up for lunch today so we did pop to the allotment site briefly so she could see what I'd been up to, & also to pick some curly kale for lunch. The first pick of this crop, we've been so busy eating the purple sprouting broccoli that had'nt touched the kale. It went perfectly with the roast lamb ... I thought it was Easter weekend, so a tad premature, but I'm away looking after 2 labradors from Wednesday til Sunday night. Made a pud with some ripe pears, nearly forgot to add the fat element of the sponge I was chatting so much, but remembered just in time. It turned out well & went down a treat with some cream.
Watched some of the golf from America, really disappointed that Molinari dropped back after such a good start.
Dropped mum home, took Indie, mum's dog for a walk, came back had a coffee, was given a few more bits that she had dug out from her zillion boxes of memories. She does'nt throw anything away.. today I got a cutting from a Xmas brochure with my pic in it along with the other managers of a garden centre where I worked 20 years ago. A pack of 4 drinks coasters, a gift for mum & dad, that we brought back from Barbados 30 odd years, a watch that belonged to dad, & a torch?.
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