At Last!

My second night on the air bed in Sams living room was a success and even managed to get an hour with Bella when I called her in with me after she gave a little bark in the night. It was the best hour. I have always wanted a night time cuddle with her all snugged up with me under the duvet....Mr W won't allow it!! Then she jumped onto the sofa with DN2 and spooned with her for the next hour!!!

Sam was feeling a bit easier today. He slept better and managed a shower. His shoulder is very bruised and he's not allowed to move his arm for 6 weeks so already he's feeling frustrated and bored - especially as his PS4 controller broke!!!!

So after popping to the shops to do Sam a marathon shop of easy to prepare meals and fruit and DN1 cleared up the flat and hoovered, we said our goodbyes. Bella finally sat on his lap for a cuddle. Shes been avoiding him a bit - I think because he smelt of anaesthetic!!! Animals are funny like that!

I do hate leaving Sam - especially when he's injured but we will be back next week for our quarterly planned visit!!!

DN2 and I then took Bella for another play on Fistral Beach before heading home. Oh how I love that beach - especially with a daughter and a dog!!!!

The journey home was great. Bella was fabulous and we only needed to stop twice. Once was in Monkton on the A303 at a nice new Icecream cafe. A very modern building with a beautiful garden. I only had a coffee while Bella had her lunch and a wee but it was so much better than the services!!!

The only bit of traffic we hit was that dreaded M25 in the 665 miles we did. Typical.

I then dropped DN2 home in Croydon and let Bella play with her cats for 20 minutes before heading home to Mr W who was pining for us!!

And come bedtime, Bella settled beautifully back into her crate (I don't lock it). I was so pleased as I thought after 2 nights away from home she might have been a bit unsettled but no - she really is the perfect pup.

And bed. xXx

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