A Grand Day Out

What a grand day out, Rainie Shoelover My Three Sons and myself headed up country to some local dog trials.
The farmers were a bit amused at four aging ladies turned up cameras in hand. They were all very polite and willing to answer our questions. When man and beast combine its a joy to watch those sheep heading down the hill and eventually into a pen made of gates. Not everyone managed to get them in the gates. They only had 14 minutes to achieve it which was quite a feat.
Then off to Fairlie to take some autumn colours and get the obligatory Fairlie PIe.
Do look at my extras, one of a farmer, and the other a  trialist doing his thing out in the paddock. One old trialer was 91, when he finished his run they went out on a bike and picked him up which was a nice touch
There appeared great camaraderie amongst all these farmers having a day out whilst pursuing their hobby and we  ladies had a grand day out as well.

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