Glorious day

Yesterday’s burst of blipping done under extreme circumstances- just exhausted after all the burning, clearing up, carting wood and not sleeping well.

Today it is one of those beautiful spring days with the country bursting into life, cuckoos and hoopoes calling, swallows, martins and the occasional swift darting, and buzzards and blackbirds, redstarts and nuthatches, a tree creeper and what sounded like a nightingale on the Monteloro road, limbering up.

On the Transporter please note it is not a tiny toy out of Thunderbirds although we have christened him Virgil.

(Which should also be part of contemporary metoo rhyming slang - as in ‘he’s done Virgil’ Tracy/Spacey.)

Extra photo of Fiesole mayorial candidate’a camper van for European and local elections - slogan on the back NESSUNO ESCLUSO - exclude no one- which has added pertinence as the Libyan crisis is creating fierce debate between ‘close the ports’ right wing Leauge and ‘respect international law’ Five Star parties of the governing coalition. Currently over 600,000 migrants in Libya, a third of whom see Europe as their destination and who along with many Libyans could become refugees if fighting intensifies. Italy is a hazardous boat trip away.

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