
I consider myself to be a lucky person in many respects, not least in having a bank within walking distance, sadly not the case on so many small towns and villages the length and breadth of the UK. In fact I have 3 Royal Bank of Scotland Banks within a 1 mile radius.

Today I chose one in Princes Street in which to lodge a cheque, hoping to get a friendly person to do the deed.
I don’t consider myself to be completely stupid but the thought of doing anything machine wise with money never goes well, so as I stood in the queue for a teller, I was approached by someone telling me I could pay the cheque in at a machine instead. Rather than make a fool of myself, I asked the person to hold my hand as I complied with the instructions on the screen - just in case.

It turned out to be simple, and I will manage solo the next time. But of course cheques are for the pensioners- the young don’t do cheques and as for paying online with a card reader, that’s another operation loaded with trouble.
I feel like a cast member in the TV programme ‘Hard to Please OAPs’.
I intend watching that tonight.

To reward myself, I graced Contini’s in George Street, mainly because they give you a tiny biscuit with your coffee which is just enough to negate investing in a scone.
Then it was homeward through a throng of case dragging tourists and crocodiles of language students, not to mention the entire families strung out over the pavement making me either dawdle behind them or risk being run over by overtaking them on the roadway.
Welcome to Edinburgh, the tourist nightmare of the north.

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