Two Bridges

Two Bridges - one for vehicles and one for pedestrians.  Probably both constructed at around the same time in a relatively rural location on the line taking trains from Birmingham to Malvern and who knows where else before that.  Probably on holiday to Wales...

My sister and I visited Mom today.  The staff are very nice.  They don't tell us unless we ask that Mom has been disturbing everyone else by shouting.  HELP ME. HELP ME.  At all times of the day and night.  I now know what a parent must feel like when summoned to see the teachers in their child's school.  She was particularly grumpy today to start with but got better.  My sister asked her for a hug and she shuffled forward in her chair, put her arms around my sister and hugged and kissed her.  Tear-jerking stuff.  I gave her a hand and foot massage and we left her in a reasonable mood.  Hope it lasted a bit.

Looking forward to a little break over the weekend.  I hope you all have a joyful easter.

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