The TAS Man cometh

Today's the day ……………………… to direct the traffic

We had an unexpected delivery of wood bark from a local supplier this afternoon - in an enormous lorry with an in-house crane.

It was unexpected in that it was supposed to come tomorrow but I suppose it would be churlish to complain that it was early.  Thankfully, Will was almost ready for it.  Because it was so huge, the lorry had to park on the road and the big container had to be lifted over the fence - which was no problem.  The only thing was, it's a busy road during the day and the lorry was at a bad bend.

So Will offered to direct the traffic while the lifting was going on - a task that he took to, like a duck to water.  He was definitely in charge of traffic flow and incredibly the drivers did what he asked.  What's more, they seemed quite grateful.

Apparently, it's something he's always wanted to do ……………………..?!

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