l u c k y . 1 3

By erincamilleee

Cuz there's Beauty in the Breakdown

So today was awesome. I knew it would get better![:

Hm, woke up in a good mood. Went to school and in the morning was extremely bored! Buht it gets better, no worries! During homeroom I found out that Julian was moved to ours. Weird? Idk, then in 1st period I finished! I kinda ruined the edge of the calender on accident cuz i put yellow buht it's minor and it is still kool and says what i want it to say from the art work(:
second period was quite boring buht in third me G n A were laughing alot. Then I went to the restroom and when I was washing ma hands Jocelyne came in and that was when we made up! Thank god for that lucky son of a gun timing! We talked it all out and our talk continued in lunch and p.e. <---- long, I know
4th period was so funny. This one kid was all like, "Mom you are so funny!" to Mrs. Chang on accident. hahah[: mrs. chang is actually fun and FUNNY!
lunch was hilarious cuz most of it was just me and Brenda and we were laughing alot. We took like a million pictures (hence ma' blip) and almost all the ones she took ended up just being me on accident! hahah. Then we were listening to music n laughing alot. <---- funny

Uhm 5th period was when me n J mainly got over our argument and I think we both got everything off our chests' that needed to be off of them(: haha

6th period was boring buht after school was fun, too. Now it's only 3:49 and yeah.

Great day so far! Have a nice afternoon people[:

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