The Leopard Spots Her Prey

Wonderful day out in the Peak District with Michael Lau Photography, five other TOGs and three models.

An atmospheric misty start and a bitter east wind that blew across the top of Curbar Edge. As usual, the models hadn't brought enough warm clothing to wear between shots.

Here is Annie who dared to climb the devil tree below Surprise View in 10 inch high heels. Michael asked her to pose as a leopard along the branch and then we decided she needed a small deer to pounce on. 'There's always Basil,' I volunteered, for indeed I had taken him along for the day out.

We tried to entice Basil into position with biscuits but he wouldn't stay, and then, out of the blue, he walked back to exactly where we had wanted him and looked up at Annie. He also agreed to let Annie cuddle him eventually.

A very friendly day and a chance to catch up with Julie and Margaret who I hadn't seen for ages.

Totally shattered by the time I got home. Basil didn't seem too tired. He'd been resting as much as possible in sunny spots throughout the day.

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