Daunti's world

By daunti

Good Friday

Well we are at the day before last in our Lenten words. God spoke to me (and yes I finally heard him this time) and I obeyed. He told me to do some sort of spiritual practice on social media during lent and this book dropped into my lap.

Today’s word ... Gethsemane
Then Jesus went with his disciples to a place called Gethsemane and he said to his disciples, “Sit here while I go over there to pray.”
(39th day of Lent)

Note to fellow blippers, I did this spiritual practice faithfully on Facebook all through the season of Lent and here and there here. With leaving my home in Florida to be home in Philadelphia because of my father’s failing I wasn’t able to keep up here. Time got in the way, hopefully this days journal makes more sense now.

Good Friday is a sad day but Sunday is coming ...

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