
It was always going to be a good day, but it just got better and better. The sun came out and it got warm as if to welcome Glasgow daughter, Nina and Ewan for an Easter visit.
As we sat on the patio, David and Luca passing on the Meadows saw the open door and joined us. A bottle of wine was opened and enjoyed before they resumed their walk into town and the Glasgow family and I we went for a Good Friday lunch at Söderberg.

No sooner had we arrived back than daughter#2 arrived with Seb, Phoebe and Theo who was today’s 11 year old birthday boy. Cups of tea and gingerbread were served on the patio before red headed Daughter#2 decided that she could stand the sun no longer and we retreated inside for some shade.

Ewan is interested in planets at the moment and was keen to draw his ignorant grandmother a map of their distance from the sun. His spelling leaves much to be desired but you get the drift if you remember the rhyme- “My Very Enthusiastic Mother Just Served Us Noodles” to aid the memory of the planets’ names. For your education, I have put his diagram as an extra!

The day was rounded off nicely with a small gathering of neighbours at the local hostelry for ...... yes, more wine and a bit of a gossip......... and an unexpected present of a scone. Not any old scone but a Harvey Nichols one. Very nice it was too, amply spread with Nutella when I got home.

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